What is Astrology?

Astronomy is the science deals with the physical phenomena of heavenly bodies, their constitution, motion, attraction and the resultant manifestations which are perceptible to the physical eye. The eclipse, new-moon and full moon are illustrations in point.

Astrology however treats about the influence of those heavenly bodies we mean the planets and the stars on human life and affairs connected with it. It is a science in the sense that its whole edifice is based on scientific data. It is an art because man interprets the influence of those bodies on life -- animate and inanimate.

It is a much debated question whether the stars have any influence at all on human life. While we do not propose to concern ourselves with that controversy here; we may as well be permitted to record our opinion that, judging from recorded facts and our own experiences, we are forced to the conclusion that the heavenly bodies do exert considerable influence on life in this world. Not only that; they give us an inkling as to the nature of our past and future. It is the business of mortals like us to be guided by such indications towards a better adjustment of our lives.

The Indian and Western Systems

Astrology has been successfully practised both in India and in the West for several centuries. Like many other things, the system by which the ancients predicted events both in India, and, the West look different. But it is worthy of note that the fundamentals of both the system are identical and the results the same. It matters little therefore, which system is followed.

The longitudinal distances of the planets are measured from a certain point in the celestial path called the First point of Aries, which coincided with the vernal equinox. It has been pointed out by Western astrologers that this point is not stationary, but changes every year owing to what is called the precession of the equinoxes moving about 1' every year backward. Hence there are two First Points of Aries, as it were; one the stationary and the other the retrogressed. While Indian astrologers calculate the longitudes from the stationary i.e. the vernal equinox, the Western astrologers calculate it from the new position.

This is not to say that Indian astrologers had been or are ignorant of this phenomenon. As a matter of fact, they have devised quite a number of methods by which they calculate this datum called Ayanamsa and many make use of it whenever very accurate results are required.

This is not to say that Indian astrologers had been or are ignorant of this phenomenon. As a matter of fact, they have devised quite a number of methods by which they calculate this datum called Ayanamsa and many make use of it whenever very accurate results are required.

The most common term we come across in matters connected with astrology is horoscope. A horoscope is a map of the heaven for a given moment. Supposing we had a camera that could take an "air view" of the whole universe, the photograph taken by such a machine of the universe at a given moment say the birth of a child, opening of a shop, sailing of a ship -- these photographs projected on a plane surface will mean the horoscope of the respective events.

Of course there will be the planets and the stars in this photograph situated at different places far and near, together and opposite. It is the function of the astrologer to interpret the language these bodies speak.

The astrological predictions are like life reading, annual reading (analysis from one birth date to another or from the month required for a year, marriage matching, dasa bukthi analysis, transit planets analysis, analysis of specific question like career, education, finance, asset, health, marriage etc.).

While over optimism is certainly as much as pessimism to be discouraged, caution on the part of individuals on the lives of astrological indications will considerably help them in patterning out events according to their desires.

"Namah Suryaaya Somaaya Mangalaaya cha Budhaaya cha
Guruh Shukrah Shanibyashcha Raahave Kethave Namaha"

May the planets shower their Blessings on us mortals.